
Educational ​Urban


Our mission is to leverage the strengths of blended and student-centered learning approaches to develop cutting-edge, captivating, and accessible educational experiences that genuinely impact students' lives.

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Work w​ith us!

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Educational Urban Technologies Spark an

Educational Culture Shift



Educational Urban Technologies produces and ​provides educators with quality professional ​development, families transformative workshops, ​and student character building through digital ​citizenship. We work with some of the best minds in ​education to help give the power back to local ​schools, parents, and students.

Parent and kid with laptop in bedroom

Supporting ​Parents

With our Homeschool Coaching Essentials, ​Edutech is positioned to provide parents with ​the needed skills to help their children ​succeed academically. Our homeschooling ​curriculum seeks to help support families by ​giving them the strategies that can turn a ​living room into a highly functional classroom​, providing them an alternative to our brok​en publi​c school system.

Educational Urban Technologies is looking to revolutionize the classroom.

Educational Urban Technologies (Edutech) was established with the ​belief that our existing education system requires major reform. ​Founder Benjamin Dylan Porter's experience as a teacher and ​consultant in large US districts has shaped Edutech's mission: to ​revolutionize educational practices nationwide.

People in Circle Formation Doing Fist Bump

How can we ​help? Connect ​w/ Us



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Wh​at we offer